
recherche descendants Melis -
recherche descendants Melis
Envoyé le: samedi 15 juillet 2006 09:38

Inscrit le: 17/09/2005
Messages: 17
Hello ,

I am looking for anybody who knows anything about the Melis family, originally coming from Ostend Belgium probably during the first world war:

Julien Maria Melis, º Ost 13.6.1855, he married  in Ostend on the 8.8.1882 Emerentine Loontiens º Ostend 10.5.1863.

They had 4 children

Adolphe, º Ostend 14.3.1891, he was priest and died in Ypres during the second world war,

Juliana º Ostend 25.3.1883

Angela º Ostend 7.5.1885

Edgard º Ostend 24.12.1893.

I am specially interested to know  dates and places of they death.
Also if they married and had any children.

Thanks ever so much to anybody who will be able to help me


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