John Barry Quinn - |
Inscrit le: 23/08/2021 Messages: 2
Hello. I am looking for a death record for John Barry Quinn. He was born in Liverpool England 1839. He was ordained as a Catholic Priest in 1864. His family tomb in Liverpool has the inscription "In loving memory of John Barry Quinn died (at Lille) June 8th 1905". There is no English death record for him.
Inscrit le: 26/02/2010 Messages: 1 775
Sorry, I have not fournd any QUINN or QUIN in the ten-year tables of Lille in 1905....
Inscrit le: 04/10/2019 Messages: 975
Décès de John QUINN le 8 juin 1905 à Marquette-lez-Lille
page 164/197
Il n'est plus prêtre car il est fait mention d'une épouse : Marie Anne MIDDLEHURST
Bonne journée
Si quelqu'un peut traduire ... merci d'avance !!
Inscrit le: 26/02/2010 Messages: 1 775
merci Annie...
Inscrit le: 23/08/2021 Messages: 2
Thank you both for responding so promptly. That is the John Quinn I was looking for. He left the priesthood and married Mary Ann Middlehurst.