Inscrit le: 04/03/2006 Messages: 23
bonjour , je recherche tous les informations sur le frere de ma grand mere
Harold Angus VAN MARLE ne le 26/01/1923 et décédé en juin 1986 a AYLESBURY VALE, BURCKINGHAMSHIRE.
Nous voudrions savoir s'il a eu des enfants et si ses enfants ons des infos
sur la mere de ma grand mere(margaret adele LOWENTHAL marié a
johan adriaan van marle a LONDES)
ceci et d'une importance capital ,(car ma grand mere voudrai enfin connaitre
sa vraie famille avnt de partire(82 ans).
merci de votre aide:| :|
Inscrit le: 04/03/2006 Messages: 23
my name is david dubois
i'm doing research on my grandmother's family.
My granmother,suzanne van marle was born in 19/07/1924 in PARIS.
her parents were called johan adriaan van marle and margaret adele lowenthal(low)she was born in LONDON in 1900.
they had two children .john arthur deceased in 1944 in germany and harold augus birth in 26 january 1923
deceased in 1986 in buckinghamshire
my grandmother would like more aboute them, and if there's still nieces and nephews.
Yours faithfully
Inscrit le: 03/09/2014 Messages: 2
hi david, I am the sister of helen louise van marle, she is the daughter of harold angus van marl, she is eager to get in touch, my email is she is so sorry it took so long to find you emma barkworth