Inscrit le: 13/08/2002 Messages: 1 037
Descendants d? André Parant
Né approximativement en 1580
How To Read This Book
This book is broken down by generations, starting with the first know generation, Andre Parent, born in about 1580. The easiest way to find someone is to start with the latest generation, find someone you know, and work backwards. I?ll use an example:
872. Hughes John11 Parent (Jules Aime10, Theophitus9, Albert8, Francois7, Thomas6, Pierre5, Pierre4, Pierre Alexis3, Charles M.2, Pierre1) was born November 22, 1940 in St Claude, Quebec. He married Joan Ellen Munroe October 01, 1966 in Stanstead, Quebec, daughter of Ralph Munroe and Ruth Curtis. She was born November 17, 1946.
Children of Hughes Parent and Joan Munroe are:
1037 i. James Allan12 Parent, born July 21, 1967 in Newport Vermont. He married Susan Marie Soldati April 16, 2002 in Beechnut Farm, Westford, VT; born May 28, 1967 in Morrisville, Vermont. Baptism: July 29, 1967, Church of Notre Dame de la Merci, Rock Island, Quebec
+ 1038 ii. Tina Louise Parent, born January 19, 1970 in Magog, Quebec.
1039 iii. Natalie Marie Parent, born September 15, 1973.
Each member of this tree is listed with a unique number. Hugh?s number is 872.
After a person?s name will be a list of ancestors, with the generation number next to it. Hugh?s father is Jules, grandfather is Theopitus, great grandfather is Albert, and so on. You can move back through the generations this way.
Also listed are Hugh?s wife and children. Any child listed with a ?+?, like the one by Tina?s name, means they have children in the next generation. To find out information about Tina?s children, and husband, you simply move down to the next generation and look for her unique number. In this case her number is 1038. There you will find her family information.
Interesting Notes
For those interested, Thomas Parent (630) married his 3rd cousin, once removed, Sophie Parent (628), which puts an interesting branch in the tree. This means Thomas? 3rd great grandfather Pierre Parent (2), married to Jeanne Badeau, was Sophie?s 2nd great grandfather.
Descendants of Andre Parent
Generation No. 1
1. Andre1 Parent was born Abt. 1580 in St. Etienne Parish, Mortagne sur Gironde, Saintonge, France, and died in St. Etienne, Montagne Sur Gironde, Saintonge, France. He married Marie Coudray Abt. 1610 in St. Etienne, Montagne Sur Gironde, Saintonge, France. She was born Abt. 1585 in St. Etienne Parish, Mortagne sur Gironde, Saintonge, France, and died in St. Etienne Parish, Mortagne sur Gironde, Saintonge, France.
Child of Andre Parent and Marie Coudray is:
+ 2 i. Butcher Pierre2 Parent, born 1610 in St. Etienne Parish, Mortagne sur Gironde, Saintonge, France; died August 05, 1698 in Beauport, Bellechase, Province of Quebec, New France (Canada).
Generation No. 2
2. Butcher Pierre2 Parent (Andre1) was born 1610 in St. Etienne Parish, Mortagne sur Gironde, Saintonge, France, and died August 05, 1698 in Beauport, Bellechase, Province of Quebec, New France (Canada). He married Jeanne Badeau February 08, 1653/54 in Beauport, PQ, Canada, daughter of Jacques Badeau and Anne Ardouin. She was born 1631 in Larochelle, Aunis, France, and died November 22, 1706 in Beauport, Bellechase, Province of Quebec, New France (Canada).
More About Butcher Pierre Parent:
Baptism: August 06, 1698, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Individual Note: February 09, 1633/34, came to Canada with Robert Giffard
Occupation: Master Bucher
More About Jeanne Badeau:
Burial: November 23, 1706, Beauport, PQ, Canada
Notes for Butcher Pierre Parent:
Following is an excerpt from the "Parent Family Genealogy" compiled by Fred J. Parent in 1985 (revised in 1987). Besides the sources mentioned below, special thanks was directed to Raymond Parent of L'Association Quebec-Perche, C.P. 6700, Sillery, P.Q., G1T 2W2, Canada, for information of Pierre & Jeanne in Quebec and to Mrs. Theresa (Langlais) Cyr of Van Buren, Maine for the marriage records data.
The first known ancestor of our Parent Family in North America is Pierre Parant (spelling of the last name later changed to PARENT), son of Andre Parant & wife Marie Coudray of Mortange au Perche, France. Mortange was the capital of Perche, an ancient political division of northwestern France, now included in the departments of Orne, Eure et Lorie, Eure. Mortange, itself, is in the current department of Orne. One uncomfirmed family tale suggests that Pierre's departure from France might have been related to an incident invloving accusations of horse thievery, or some equally sensitive issue related to horses. A letter received from the Mayor of Mortange au Perche (dated 2 Nov., 1985) indicated that Pierre Parant was born in the Parish of St. Germain de Loise, in Mortange au Perche, in 1610. A letter received from a "cousin" in Quebec, Raymond Parent (dated 10 Dec., 1985), indicates that Pierre arrived in Quebec on July 10, 1650 (Raymond suggests that Pierre was aged 24 years when he arrived in Quebec; if the Mayor of Mortange's information is correct, Pierre would have been closer to 40 years of age at this time).
Pierre arrived in Canada under contract to Lord Robert Giffard. New France (Canada), like France operated under a feudal system of seigneuries where the Seigneur/Lord leased portions of the land granted to him by the French King to serfs/peasants who cleared, worked, and developed the land, paying annual fees & taxes to the Seigneur/Lord in return. After his contractual obligations to Lord Gaffard expired, Pierre chose to remain in New France as a settler.
In Quebec, Pierre was primarily known for his work as a butcher, but he also did some farming, sublet farmlands & woodlots, purchased and leased at least one house in Quebec City, sold stone & lime for a time in Quebec City, and operated markets for his meats in both Beauport & Quebec City. For his butcher trade, Pierre bought & raised cattle, as well as sold their hides to tanners & cobblers. Eventually he became recognized as a specialist (expert) on animals and was sometimes called upon to access the value & quality of animals involved in sales, estate, or other legal transactions.
on 7 April 1651, adjoining land grants were made to Pierre Parant and Jacques Badeau (father of Pierre's future bride, Jeanne) by the Jesuit Priests at Notre Dame des Anges. The parsel west of Badeau's was granted to Pierre Parant by Father Jacques de la Place, treasurer/bursar of the Jesuits. The land was all virgin forest and, at this time, the 1650's, had to be cleared without the help of horses.
In July, 1652, Pierre got a piece of land for himself in Chateau Richer, about 20 miles from Quebec City (not far from Riviere aux Cheins) on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, near the well known pilgrimage site of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. After a year, he sold that farm and moved nearer to Quebec City and, later on, settled at Beauport in about 1673.
on Feb. 2, 1674, Pierre Parant & Jeanne Badeau signed a contract to be married on Feb. 9, 1654, the eldest daughter of Pierre's neighbor, Jacques and Anne (Ardouin) Badeau of Beauport, a small village a few miles from Quebec City on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. The 16 year old Jeanne's dowary consisted of 300 French pounds, two-thirds of which became their common property, and one-third remaining her exclusive property. The wedding took place in the manor house of Lord Robert Giffard, the Seigneur of Beauport, and was performed by a priest named Barthelemi Vimont.
Pierre and Jeanne had 18 children (14 sons & 4 daughters). They already had 10 of the 18 children, when, on March 11, 1674, Pierre and Jeanne got their 11th, 12th, and 13th child all at once - triplets (Jean, Joseph Jean Marie, and Etienne). They (the triplets) were reffered to locally as "les jumeaux de Beauport". Four years prior, a royal edict of April 12, 1670, by King Louis XIV of France (wishing to encourage the populating of New france) granted a bonus of 300 French pounds per year to any family having ten children (born in legitimate marriage, but excluded any of said children who remained celibate by entering religious orders or the priesthood) and a bonus of 400 French pounds per year to any family having twelve children. So, in addition to the big event of having triplets, Jeanne & Pierre's family size hit the top Royal bonus level, too.
In 1683, Pierre received the honorific title of "bourgeois de Quebec" in recognition for his accompolishments in his work, his family (size), and his personal traits.
Generation No. 2
The remainder of the genealogical information on the Parent Family in the profile from Fred J. Parent was traced only thru the male line (patrilineal) and only thru marriage records (i.e. wife's name and date/place of marriage). Today, 1996, much more information has and is being gathered thru various sources to expand the knowledge of the Parent Family and it's associated "cluster" family. This family tree is a living, growing document - and will continue to grow as long as current information is continually sought out and added to these records.[Broderbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #0126, Date of Import: 30 Jun 1998]
Following is an excerpt from the "Parent Family Genealogy" compiled by Fred J. Parent in 1985 (revised in 1987). Besides the sources mentioned below, special thanks was directed to Raymond Parent of L'Association Quebec-Perche, C.P. 6700, Sillery, P.Q., G1T 2W2, Canada, for information of Pierre & Jeanne in Quebec and to Mrs. Theresa (Langlais) Cyr of Van Buren, Maine for the marriage records data.
The first known ancestor of our Parent Family in North America is Pierre Parant (spelling of the last name later changed to PARENT), son of Andre Parant & wife Marie Coudray of Mortange au Perche, France. Mortange was the capital of Perche, an ancient political division of northwestern France, now included in the departments of Orne, Eure et Lorie, Eure. Mortange, itself, is in the current department of Orne. One uncomfirmed family tale suggests that Pierre's departure from France might have been related to an incident invloving accusations of horse thievery, or some equally sensitive issue related to horses. A letter received from the Mayor of Mortange au Perche (dated 2 Nov., 1985) indicated that Pierre Parant was born in the Parish of St. Germain de Loise, in Mortange au Perche, in 1610. A letter received from a "cousin" in Quebec, Raymond Parent (dated 10 Dec., 1985), indicates that Pierre arrived in Quebec on July 10, 1650 (Raymond suggests that Pierre was aged 24 years when he arrived in Quebec; if the Mayor of Mortange's information is correct, Pierre would have been closer to 40 years of age at this time).
Pierre arrived in Canada under contract to Lord Robert Giffard. New France (Canada), like France operated under a feudal system of seigneuries where the Seigneur/Lord leased portions of the land granted to him by the French King to serfs/peasants who cleared, worked, and developed the land, paying annual fees & taxes to the Seigneur/Lord in return. After his contractual obligations to Lord Gaffard expired, Pierre chose to remain in New France as a settler.
In Quebec, Pierre was primarily known for his work as a butcher, but he also did some farming, sublet farmlands & woodlots, purchased and leased at least one house in Quebec City, sold stone & lime for a time in Quebec City, and operated markets for his meats in both Beauport & Quebec City. For his butcher trade, Pierre bought & raised cattle, as well as sold their hides to tanners & cobblers. Eventually he became recognized as a specialist (expert) on animals and was sometimes called upon to access the value & quality of animals involved in sales, estate, or other legal transactions.
on 7 April 1651, adjoining land grants were made to Pierre Parant and Jacques Badeau (father of Pierre's future bride, Jeanne) by the Jesuit Priests at Notre Dame des Anges. The parsel west of Badeau's was granted to Pierre Parant by Father Jacques de la Place, treasurer/bursar of the Jesuits. The land was all virgin forest and, at this time, the 1650's, had to be cleared without the help of horses.
In July, 1652, Pierre got a piece of land for himself in Chateau Richer, about 20 miles from Quebec City (not far from Riviere aux Cheins) on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, near the well known pilgrimage site of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. After a year, he sold that farm and moved nearer to Quebec City and, later on, settled at Beauport in about 1673.
on Feb. 2, 1674, Pierre Parant & Jeanne Badeau signed a contract to be married on Feb. 9, 1654, the eldest daughter of Pierre's neighbor, Jacques and Anne (Ardouin) Badeau of Beauport, a small village a few miles from Quebec City on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. The 16 year old Jeanne's dowary consisted of 300 French pounds, two-thirds of which became their common property, and one-third remaining her exclusive property. The wedding took place in the manor house of Lord Robert Giffard, the Seigneur of Beauport, and was performed by a priest named Barthelemi Vimont.
Pierre and Jeanne had 18 children (14 sons & 4 daughters). They already had 10 of the 18 children, when, on March 11, 1674, Pierre and Jeanne got their 11th, 12th, and 13th child all at once - triplets (Jean, Joseph Jean Marie, and Etienne). They (the triplets) were reffered to locally as "les jumeaux de Beauport". Four years prior, a royal edict of April 12, 1670, by King Louis XIV of France (wishing to encourage the populating of New france) granted a bonus of 300 French pounds per year to any family having ten children (born in legitimate marriage, but excluded any of said children who remained celibate by entering religious orders or the priesthood) and a bonus of 400 French pounds per year to any family having twelve children. So, in addition to the big event of having triplets, Jeanne & Pierre's family size hit the top Royal bonus level, too.
In 1683, Pierre received the honorific title of "bourgeois de Quebec" in recognition for his accompolishments in his work, his family (size), and his personal traits.
The remainder of the genealogical information on the Parent Family in the profile from Fred J. Parent was traced only thru the male line (patrilineal) and only thru marriage records (i.e. wife's name and date/place of marriage). Today, 1996, much more information has and is being gathered thru various sources to expand the knowledge of the Parent Family and it's associated "cluster" family. This family tree is a living, growing document - and will continue to grow as long as current information is continually sought out and added to these records.[Broderbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #0126, Date of Import: 30 Jun 1998]
Generation No. 2
Children of Pierre Parent and Jeanne Badeau are:
+ 3 i. Marie3 Parent, born November 25, 1655 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. December 06, 1700 in Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 4 ii. Jacques Parent, born November 15, 1657 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 30, 1744 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 5 iii. Jacques Pierre Parent, born September 30, 1660 in Quebec, Provience of Quebec, New France (Canada); died June 28, 1715 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, New France (Canada).
+ 6 iv. Andre Parent, born December 04, 1662 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died July 15, 1699 in near Notre Dame des Anges, Beauport, PQ, Canada.
+ 7 v. Jean Francois Parent, born February 09, 1664/65 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died August 17, 1722 in Hotel Dieu, Quebec, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
8 vi. Francois Parent, born March 29, 1667 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada; died 1677 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada.
More About Francois Parent:
Baptism: April 03, 1667, Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada
Burial: 1677, Beauport, Province ofQuebec, Canada
+ 9 vii. Joseph Parent, born January 25, 1668/69 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1700-1759.
+ 10 viii.Genevieve Parent, born February 27, 1669/70 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; died Abt. August 20, 1720 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 11 ix. Michel Parent, born Abt. December 21, 1671 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 16, 1726 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 12 x. Jeanne Therese Parent, born October 28, 1673 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1702-1767.
+ 13 xi. Etienne Parent, born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. August 23, 1756 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 14 xii. Jean Parent, born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died April 01, 1727 in Hotel Dieu, Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 15 xiii.Joseph Jean Marie Parent, born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died February 02, 1726/27 in Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 16 xiv. Charles M. Parent, born November 13, 1676 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. June 16, 1747 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
17 xv. Claude Parent, born November 11, 1677 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died June 01, 1692 in Hotel Dieu, Quebec City,Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 18 xvi. Marie Charlotte Parent, born 1678 in Beauport,Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. October 23, 1763 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada.
19 xvii.Charles A. Parent, born February 17, 1680/81 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. March 01, 1680/81 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
More About Charles A. Parent:
Baptism: February 20, 1680/81, Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec Canada
Burial: March 01, 1680/81, Beauport ,Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
+ 20 xviii.Antoine Parent, born September 03, 1683 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
3. Marie3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born November 25, 1655 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. December 06, 1700 in Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. She married (1) David Courbin November 25, 1670 in Notre Dame,Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. He was born 1641 in Lacaune, Castres, Tarn, France, and died August 19, 1684 in Quebec, PQ, Canada. She married (2) Joseph Noel Rancourt February 05, 1684/85 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He was born 1655 in St Jean, Caen, Bayeux, Normandie, and died Abt. March 21, 1718/19 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Marie Parent:
Baptism: December 12, 1655, Beauport, PQ, Canada
Notes for David Courbin:
David was a butcher.
Notes for Joseph Noel Rancourt:
[Broderbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #0126, Date of Import: 30 Jun 1998]
Made marriage contract Duquet 25Jan1685
Children of Marie Parent and David Courbin are:
21 i. David4 Courbin, born Abt. 1673; died Abt. October 02, 1755. He married (1) Marie Faveron February 28,
1706/07; born Bet. 1663 - 1693. He married (2) Genevieve Gariepy February 12, 1718/19;
born Bet. 1675 ? 1705.
+ 22 ii.Marie Anne Courbin, born 1676; died Abt. August 28, 1741 in Quebec, PQ, Canada.
23 iii.Pierre Courbin, born Abt. August 20, 1679 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. January 07,
1702/03. He married Francoise Brassard November 22, 1700.
24 iv.Genevieve Courbin, born Abt. November 03, 1680.
+ 25 v.Andre Courbin, born Abt. May 27, 1682.
Children of Marie Parent and Joseph Rancourt are:
26 i. Jeanne4 Rancourt, born September 19, 1685.
More About Jeanne Rancourt:
Baptism: September 20, 1685
27 ii. Angelique Catherine Rancourt, born Abt. June 10, 1687.
28 iii. Joseph Rancourt, born October 08, 1688.
More About Joseph Rancourt:
Baptism: October 09, 1688
29 iv. Claude Rancourt, born October 01, 1691 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. April 22, 1743. He married (1) Anne Marguerite Turgeon in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; born July 15, 1699 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada. He married (2) Catherine Blanchon May 04, 1717.
More About Claude Rancourt:
Baptism: October 02, 1691, Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada
30 v. Francoise Rancourt, born Abt. September 14, 1693.
+ 31 vi. Francois Rancourt, born October 02, 1694 in Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada; died 1773 in St. Joachim, Quebec, Canada.
+ 32 vii. Marguerite Rancourt, born December 20, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. January 13, 1756.
33 viii. Marie Rancourt, born Abt. 1698; died Abt. January 12, 1702/03. She married Jean Monjaud January 17, 1707/08; born Bet. 1664 - 1694.
More About Marie Rancourt:
Name 2: Marie Angelique Rancourt
Date born 2: Abt. February 26, 1689/90
34 ix. Genevieve Rancourt, born February 27, 1698/99 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Genevieve Rancourt:
Baptism: February 28, 1698/99, Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada
4. Jacques3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born November 15, 1657 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died December 30, 1744 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married (1) Geneieve Louise Chevalier February 01, 1676/77 in C. Fillion, Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. She was born October 27, 1659 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. September 29, 1703 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married (2) Marie Belanger November 09, 1705 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She was born October 19, 1668 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can, and died January 06, 1718/19 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married (3) Marie Madeleine Huppe August 17, 1719 in Charlesbourg, Province of Quebec, Canada. She was born January 08, 1664/65 in Quebec, Quebec, PQ, Can, and died WFT Est. 1693-1759.
More About Jacques Parent:
Baptism: November 25, 1657, Quebec, PQ, Canada
Burial: December 31, 1744, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Notes for Marie Belanger:
Marie was a widow (of the former Ignace Choret) when she married Jacques Parent.
Name 2: Marie Josephte Belanger
Date born 2: WFT Est. 1652-1679
Died 2: WFT Est. 1701-1769
Notes for Marie Madeleine Huppe:
Marie was the widow of the former Louis Bedard when she married Jacques.
Children of Jacques Parent and Geneieve Chevalier are:
+ 35 i. Rene4 Parent, born 1677; died Abt. August 26, 1703 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
36 ii.Henri Parent, born 1678; died December 31, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
37 iii.Marie Charlotte Parent, born January 11, 1682/83 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1717-1778. She married Rene Sasseville November 12, 1704 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Abt. 1675; died WFT Est. 1717-1766.
+ 38 iv.Jacques Parent, born July 25, 1684 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
39 v.Marguerite Parent, born May 02, 1686 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died September 28, 1689.
+ 40 vi.Marie Angelique Parent, born February 11, 1687/88 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died 1777 in Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada.
41 vii.Jean Parent, born December 13, 1689 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died May 01, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 42 viii.Marie Anne Parent, born May 08, 1691 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
43 ix.Michel Parent, born February 22, 1692/93 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died February 16, 1727/28 in Charlesbourg, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married Marguerite Blondeau September 09, 1724 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1694 - 1724.
More About Michel Parent:
Burial: February 17, 1727/28, Charlesbourg, PQ, Canada
+ 44 x.Louis Parent, born Abt. March 29, 1695 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 45 xi.Francois Parent, born January 21, 1696/97 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1738-1791.
46 xii.Marie Benjamin Parent, born April 18, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died June 20, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 47 xiii.Louise Parent, born June 15, 1681 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died August 15, 1744 in L'Ange Gardien, Quebec, Canada.
Children of Jacques Parent and Marie Belanger are:
+ 48 i. Simon Pierre4 Parent, born October 23, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. May 07, 1769 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 49 ii.Joseph Jacques Parent, born November 02, 1707 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
50 iii.(child#3) Parent, born March 03, 1709/10 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 05, 1709/10 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
51 iv.Genevieve Parent, born May 23, 1711 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1735-1799. She married Joseph Bussiere February 14, 1729/30 in Beauport, Bellechase, Province of Quebec, New France (Canada); born WFT Est. 1693-1716; died WFT Est. 1736-1799.
+ 52 v.Marie Joseph Parent, born November 23, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. April 26, 1740 in Charlesbourg, PQ, Canada.
5. Jacques Pierre3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born September 30, 1660 in Quebec, Provience of Quebec, New France (Canada), and died June 28, 1715 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, New France (Canada). He married Marguerite Baugis November 23, 1683 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada. She was born July 11, 1666 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can, and died Abt. April 22, 1737.
More About Jacques Pierre Parent:
Baptism: October 17, 1660, Quebec, PQ, Canada
Burial: June 29, 1715, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Children of Jacques Parent and Marguerite Baugis are:
+ 53 i. Pierre4 Parent, born Abt. July 29, 1684 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. February 22, 1759 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 54 ii. Jacques Parent, born February 02, 1686/87 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died June 26, 1734 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
55 iii. Michel Parent, born January 07, 1688/89 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died January 17, 1688/89 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
56 iv. Marguerite Parent, born May 09, 1690 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died May 19, 1690 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 57 v. Marguerite Parent, born April 17, 1692 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1730-1787.
58 vi. Genevieve Parent, born November 12, 1694 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died January 26, 1702/03 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 59 vii. Marie Anne Parent, born February 27, 1696/97 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. October 02, 1759.
60 viii. Andre Lucien Parent, born January 11, 1699/00 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada. He married Madeleine Roy November 18, 1726 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born November 23, 1706 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada.
61 ix. Paul Parent, born April 09, 1703 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died April 11, 1703 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 62 x. Michel Jean Parent, born December 27, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 63 xi. Pierre Francois Parent, born July 21, 1707 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1734-1796.
6. Andre3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born December 04, 1662 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died July 15, 1699 in near Notre Dame des Anges, Beauport, PQ, Canada. He married Marie Marguerite Cote October 29, 1692 in St. Pierre, Ile d'Orleans, Quebec, Canada. She was born July 27, 1672 in St. Famille Ile D'Orleans, Quebec, Canada, and died March 03, 1708/09 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada.
Notes for Andre Parent:
Andre drowned near Notre Dame des Agnes - no other details available.
Baptism: December 08, 1662, Quebec, PQ, Canada
More About Marie Marguerite Cote:
Date born 2: July 27, 1672, St. Famille, Ile D'Orleans, Montmorency II, Quebec
Died 2: March 03, 1708/09
Children of Andre Parent and Marie Cote are:
64 i. Marie-Madeleine4 Parent, born March 05, 1693/94 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; died March 25, 1694 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada.
65 ii. Marie-Jeanne Parent, born April 23, 1695 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; died December 19, 1712 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada.
+ 66 iii. Andre Parent, born December 01, 1698 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; died Bef. 1731.
+ 67 iv. Francois Parent, born November 21, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. August 03, 1746 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
68 v. Marie Madeleine Parent, born March 05, 1693/94 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 25, 1694 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
69 vi. Marie Jeanne Parent, born April 23, 1695 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 19, 1712 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Andre Marcoux January 18, 1711/12 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1668 - 1698.
7. Jean Francois3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born February 09, 1664/65 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died August 17, 1722 in Hotel Dieu, Quebec, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married (1) Marie Marguerite LaVallée February 10, 1686/87 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She was born Abt. February 21, 1671/72, and died December 10, 1720 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married (2) Anne Duquet March 01, 1720/21. She was born 1674, and died WFT Est. 1725-1791.
Notes for Jean Francois Parent:
Jean Francois was a shipwright by trade (charpentier de navire). He died at the Hotel Dieu in Quebec.
Baptism: February 15, 1664/65, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Burial: August 17, 1722, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Notes for Anne Duquet:
Anne was the widow of the former Jean Thomas when she married Jean Francois.
While there are no recorded children of her marriage to Jean Francois Parent, she had eight children by Jean Thomas.
Children of Jean Parent and Marie LaVallée are:
+ 70 i. Andre4 Parent, born November 30, 1688 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
71 ii. Marie Parent, born August 05, 1690 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Jean Pierre Dufour November 04, 1718 in Notre Dame, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1674 - 1704.
+ 72 iii. Pierre Parent, born Abt. March 05, 1693/94 in St. Pierre, Iile d'Orleans, PQ, Canada.
+ 73 iv. Mathieu Parent, born January 23, 1695/96 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. July 05, 1760 in St. Michel, d'Yamaska, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 74 v. Jacques Parent, born July 06, 1697 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died June 24, 1730 in Quebec, PQ, Canada.
75 vi. Noel Parent, born December 25, 1698 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died January 02, 1699/00 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
76 vii. Charles Parent, born April 04, 1700 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
77 viii. Francois Parent, born October 16, 1701 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died July 28, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 78 ix. Antoine Parent, born August 23, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
79 x. Marie Louise Parent, born August 13, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. June 06, 1769 in Lachenaye , Province of Quebec, Canada. She married Louis Brunet January 18, 1733/34.
80 xi. Ignace Parent, born December 27, 1707 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died October 02, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
9. Joseph3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born January 25, 1668/69 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada, and died WFT Est. 1700-1759. He married (1) Marie Madeleine Marette January 31, 1689/90 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She was born 1670, and died Bef. February 16, 1695/96 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married (2) Marie Belanger February 16, 1695/96 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. She was born October 19, 1668 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can, and died January 06, 1718/19 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
Notes for Joseph Parent:
Joseph Parent was a maker of edge-tools (taillandier) by trade (knoves, swords, cutting tools, etc.).
Baptism: January 27, 1668/69, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Notes for Marie Belanger:
Marie was a widow (of the former Ignace Choret) when she married Jacques Parent.
Name 2: Marie Josephte Belanger
Date born 2: WFT Est. 1652-1679 Died 2: WFT Est. 1701-1769
Children of Joseph Parent and Marie Marette are:
+ 81 i. Joseph4 Parent, born August 13, 1690 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
82 ii. Marie Madeliene Parent, born December 15, 1692 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. October 18, 1735. She married Jean Baptiste Trudeau September 01, 1715 in Montreal, PQ, Canada; born April 1680 in Montreal, PQ, Canada; died June 16, 1754 in Terrebone, PQ, Canada.
83 iii. Francois Parent.
Children of Joseph Parent and Marie Belanger are:
+ 84 i. Jean Baptiste4 Parent, born Bet. 1674 - 1704.
85 ii. Marguerite Parent, born July 07, 1698 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada. She married Troussaint Lecavelier August 08, 1729; born Bet. 1685 - 1715.
+ 86 iii. Francois Parent, born March 05, 1699/00 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada.
87 iv. Marie Anne Parent, born May 22, 1702 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. May 03, 1786 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada. She married Jean Baptiste Lefebvre January 28, 1742/43.
+ 88 v. Gilbert Parent, born December 02, 1703.
+ 89 vi. Joseph Marie Parent, born April 24, 1705.
+ 90 vii. Pierre Parent, born 1706.
91 viii. Marie Parent, born Abt. January 21, 1708/09 in Detroit (Detroit, Wayne, MI).
+ 92 ix. Genevieve Parent, born March 02, 1719/20 in Beauport, PQ, Canada.
10. Genevieve3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born February 27, 1669/70 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. August 20, 1720 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. She married (1) Noel Langlois Dit Traversy December 02, 1686 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada. She married (2) Noël dit Traversy Langlois December 02, 1686 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. He was born December 07, 1651 in L'Ange Gardien, PQ, Canada, and died October 08, 1693 in Beauport. She married (3) Jacques Avisse January 10, 1694/95 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. He was born WFT Est. 1648-1675, and died WFT Est. 1700-1761.
More About Genevieve Parent:
Baptism: April 02, 1670, Beauport, Quebec, Canada
Burial: August 20, 1720, Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
Notes for Noël dit Traversy Langlois:
Noel had been married proviously before marrying Genevieve Parent - no information on the former wife available.
Date born 2: December 07, 1651
Burial: October 09, 1693, Beauport, PQ, Canada
Children of Genevieve Parent and Noël Langlois are:
+ 93 i. Noël ditTraversy4 Langlois, born January 22, 1691/92 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada; died April 15, 1750 in St. Francois du Lac, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 94 ii. Jean Langlois, born July 15, 1688 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 09, 1767 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada.
+ 95 iii. Genevieve Langlois, born July 30, 1690 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada; died November 04, 1748 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada.
+ 96 iv. Louise Catherine Langlois, born Abt. September 12, 1693 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada.
Children of Genevieve Parent and Jacques Avisse are:
97 i. Thomas4 Avisse, born Abt. December 21, 1695; died Abt. March 08, 1714/15.
98 ii. Jacques Avisse, born Abt. April 13, 1697.
99 iii. Charles Avisse, born Abt. June 29, 1698.
100 iv. Marie Jean Avisse, born Abt. January 19, 1699/00; died Abt. September 15, 1750. She married (1) Francois Treffle January 28, 1718/19; born Bet. 1675 - 1705. She married (2) Simon Soupiran June 26, 1736 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
101 v. Marie Therese Avisse, born Abt. June 09, 1701.
102 vi. Jean Baptiste Avisse, born Abt. February 05, 1702/03; died Abt. February 07, 1702/03.
103 vii. Francoise Louise Avisse, born Abt. July 03, 1705.
104 viii.Louise Angelique Avisse, born Abt. February 04, 1706/07.
105 ix. Eustache Avisse, born Abt. March 23, 1708/09.
106 x. Elizabeth Avisse, born Abt. June 27, 1710.
11. Michel3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born Abt. December 21, 1671 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died December 16, 1726 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married Marie Jeanne Chevalier November 24, 1692 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She was born Abt. May 14, 1673 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. April 04, 1744 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
Notes for Michel Parent:
Among the various sources for Michel Parent, son of Pierre Rene Parent & Jeanne Badeau, two birth years appear: 1671 & 1674 - and on or abt 21 Dec. in both reports. on 11 March 1674 Jeanne Badeau gave birth to Tripletts. It does not seem probable that Jeanne could get pregnant & deliver another child in exactly nine months. The birth year of 1671 has been used in this record.
Michel was a master ship builder by trade.
Baptism: December 21, 1671, Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada
Burial: December 17, 1726, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Occupation: "capitaine de vaisseau" - ship captain
Religion: Roman Catholic
Notes for Marie Jeanne Chevalier:
Among the various sources for Michel Parent, son of Pierre Rene Parent & Jeanne Badeau, two birth years appear: 1671 & 1674 - and on or abt 21 Dec. in both reports. on 11 March 1674 Jeanne Badeau gave birth to Tripletts. It does not seem probable that Jeanne could get pregnant & deliver another child in exactly nine months. The birth year of 1671 has been used in this record.
Children of Michel Parent and Marie Chevalier are:
+ 107 i. Etienne4 Parent, born January 19, 1694/95 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. July 22, 1755 in Quebec, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
108 ii. Michel Parent, born August 17, 1693 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Michel Parent:
Religion: Roman Catholic
+ 109 iii. Henri Parent, born October 18, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. November 16, 1780 in Quebec, PQ, Canada.
110 iv. Marie Jean Parent, born October 11, 1698 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Jean Spenard June 26, 1728 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada.
More About Marie Jean Parent:
Religion: Roman Catholic
111 v. Pierre Parent, born July 29, 1700 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. April 22, 1703 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Pierre Parent:
Burial: April 22, 1703, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
112 vi. Marguerite Veronique Parent, born September 24, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Joseph Chalifour April 09, 1720 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1676 - 1706.
More About Marguerite Veronique Parent:
Religion: Roman Catholic
113 vii. Louise Francoise Parent, born July 07, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 27, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Louise Francoise Parent:
Burial: December 28, 1706, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
114 viii.Pierre Parent, born July 14, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died May 02, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Pierre Parent:
Burial: May 03, 1708, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
+ 115 ix. Joseph Henri Parent, born May 23, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. February 23, 1782 in St. Michel Yamaska, Province of Quebec, Canada.
116 x. Francoise Marie Parent, born June 04, 1710 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died September 20, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. Burial: September 21, 1714, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada Religion: Roman Catholic
117 xi. (child#11) Parent, born April 13, 1712 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died April 13, 1712 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. Burial: April 14, 1712, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada Religion: Roman Catholic
118 xii. Marie Angelique Josette Parent, born March 25, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died September 24, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. Burial: September 25, 1714, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
119 xiii.Marie Therese Parent, born November 15, 1717 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Francois Lenormand January 23, 1735/36 in Notre Dame, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1706 - 1721. Religion: Roman Catholic
120 xiv. Pierre Julien Parent, born Bet. 1718 - 1730.
12. Jeanne Therese3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born October 28, 1673 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died WFT Est. 1702-1767. She married Jean Baugis January 11, 1688/89 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada. He was born August 10, 1663 in Quebec, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. October 18, 1720 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Jeanne Therese Parent:
Baptism: October 29, 1673, Beauport, PQ, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
Children of Jeanne Parent and Jean Baugis are:
+ 121 i. Jeanne Therese4 Baugis, born Abt. January 21, 1689/90 in Broughton, Quebec; died WFT Est. 1728-1785.
122 ii. Marie Angelique Baugis, born Abt. March 27, 1691.
123 iii. Genevieve Baugis, born Abt. November 30, 1692; died WFT Est. 1717-1785. She married Michel LaVallée March 03, 1711/12; born WFT Est. 1666-1692; died WFT Est. 1717-1778.
124 iv. Marie Anne Baugis, born Abt. February 04, 1694/95.
125 v. Jean Baugis, born Abt. January 28, 1695/96.
126 vi. Toussaint Baugis, born Abt. November 01, 1697. He married Elizabeth Messaguier February 25, 1725/26 in Lachine, Canada; born Bet. 1682 - 1712.
+ 127 vii. Louis Baugis, born January 11, 1698/99 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can; died WFT Est. 1732-1790.
128 viii. Marie Charoltte Baugis, born Abt. December 18, 1700; died Abt. February 24, 1702/03.
129 ix. Pierre Baugis, born Abt. December 12, 1702; died Abt. June 04, 1704.
130 x. Noel Baugis, born Abt. January 28, 1704/05.
131 xi. Charles Gabriel Baugis, born Abt. October 22, 1706.
132 xii. Paul Baugis, born Abt. May 10, 1709.
133 xiii. Marie Baugis, born Abt. July 21, 1711.
More About Marie Baugis:
Name 2: Marie Catherine Baugis
Date born 2: Abt. March 05, 1713/14
134 xiv. Bertrand Baugis, born Abt. April 09, 1716.
13. Etienne3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. August 23, 1756 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married (1) Marie Thérèse Chevalier April 27, 1698 in Beauport, PQ, Canada. She was born 1675 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can, and died August 16, 1725 in Hotel Deiu, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married (2) Genevene Trudel April 28, 1727 in Ange Gardien. She was born 1696, and died Abt. January 13, 1747/48.
Notes for Etienne Parent:
Etienne Parent, born as one of a set of tripletts born to Pierre Parent & Jeanne Badeau; brothers Jean Parent & Joseph Jean Marie Parent completed the set.
In an E-Mail from Sylvain Parent in Ottawa, Canada, he describes Etienne as a writer and Secretary of State.
Burial: August 23, 1756, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marriage Notes for Etienne Parent and Marie Chevalier:
Sylvain Parent of Ottawa, Canada lists Etienne & Marie's marriage date as 6 Feb. 1696 - instead of 11 Feb. 1696 as proposed by Fred J. Parent, who's research is responcible for the general information of Andre Parent and his descendants.
More About Genevene Trudel:
Name 2: Genevieve Nicolas Trudel
Children of Etienne Parent and Marie Chevalier are:
135 i. Etienne4 Parent, born December 10, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died February 20, 1702/03 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
136 ii. Joseph Parent, born September 20, 1698 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. January 27, 1699/00 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
137 iii. Noel Parent, born September 24, 1700 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. December 09, 1700 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
138 iv. Marie Genevieve Parent, born August 11, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Alexandre Lefebvre November 18, 1726 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born August 10, 1694 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada.
139 v. Marie Josette Parent, born June 02, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died April 15, 1717 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
140 vi. Jeanne Cecile Parent, born May 23, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married (1) Oliver Hugron January 03, 1727/28 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1684 - 1714. She married (2) Jean Charpentier March 05, 1736/37 in Notre Dame, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1700 - 1737.
Marriage Notes for Jeanne Parent and Oliver Hugron:
The Libertel Rimouski: SGEQ - Repertoire de Mariages lists Jeanne Cecile Parent & Oliver Hugron as beingf married 3 Jan 1726 - not 1728.
+ 141 vii. Etienne Parent, born May 12, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died 1781 in Ste. Marie de Beauce, Province of Quebec, Canada.
142 viii. Noel Parent, born February 24, 1709/10 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died October 11, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Noel Parent:
Baptism: February 28, 1709/10, Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada
+ 143 ix. Thérèse Angélique Parent, born June 01, 1713 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1739-1807.
+ 144 x. Pierre Parent, born November 19, 1715 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
145 xi. Michel Parent, born May 29, 1717 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died July 01, 1717.
146 xii. Marguerite Parent, born September 07, 1720 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died January 12, 1725/26 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
Children of Etienne Parent and Genevene Trudel are:
+ 147 i. Nicolas4 Parent, born January 07, 1727/28 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1755-1817.
148 ii. Jean Baptiste Parent, born July 06, 1729 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died August 06, 1729 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 149 iii. Antoine Parent, born August 06, 1730 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
150 iv. Charles Parent, born Abt. November 04, 1732.
More About Charles Parent:
Baptism: November 04, 1732
+ 151 v. Louise Genevieve Parent, born Abt. March 27, 1734; died WFT Est. 1763-1831.
152 vi. Eustache Parent, born Abt. November 25, 1735. He married Marie Amable Menard June 30, 1761 in Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1717 - 1747.
153 vii. Marie Francoise Parent, born Abt. October 18, 1737; died Abt. February 01, 1737/38.
154 viii. Cecile Parent, born 1739.
+ 155 ix. Jean Marie Parent, born Abt. November 05, 1739 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
14. Jean3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada, and died April 01, 1727 in Hotel Dieu, Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married Marie Francoise Belanger February 11, 1695/96 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She was born Abt. October 13, 1680, and died Abt. June 20, 1746.
Notes for Jean Parent:
Jean Parent, born as one of a set of tripletts born to Pierre Parent & Jeanne Badeau; brothers Joseph Jean Marie Parent & Etienne Parent completed the set.
Children of Jean Parent and Marie Belanger are:
156 i. Jean4 Parent, born December 08, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died January 02, 1696/97 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
157 ii. Joseph Parent, born February 02, 1697/98 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 13, 1708 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
158 iii. Simon Parent, born December 18, 1701 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died February 16, 1702/03 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 159 iv. Marie Madeliene Parent, born June 16, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. November 11, 1749 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
160 v. Genevieve Parent, born November 18, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Pierre Brousseau April 27, 1727 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1697 - 1727.
161 vi. Marie Louise Parent, born March 21, 1707/08 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Rene Paquet 1729 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 162 vii. Marie Josephe Parent, born January 06, 1709/10 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died WFT Est. 1739-1804.
163 viii. Marie Catherine Parent, born February 28, 1711/12 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Charles Joseph Roy Audy July 22, 1737 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born September 09, 1712 in Charlesbourg, Quebec, Canada.
164 ix. Marie Francoise Parent, born June 26, 1713 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died October 02, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
165 x. Jean Francois Parent, born October 21, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 30, 1717 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 166 xi. Jacques Parent, born October 17, 1716 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
167 xii. Claire Felicite Parent, born August 19, 1718 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
168 xiii. Barbe Parent, born December 01, 1721 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Charles Giroux January 10, 1745/46 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born March 29, 1718 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada.
15. Joseph Jean Marie3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born March 11, 1673/74 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died February 02, 1726/27 in Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada. He married Marie Therese (*) Belanger February 04, 1695/96 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. She was born 1678, and died Abt. November 16, 1750.
Notes for Joseph Jean Marie Parent:
Joseph Jean Marie Parent, born as one of a set of tripletts born to Pierre Parent & Jeanne Badeau; brothers Jean Parent & Etienne Parent completed the set. Joseph died at Hotel-Dieu, Quebec.
Among the sources for Joseph Jean Marie Parent (son of Pierre Rene Parent & Jeanne Badeau), two spouses names were noted: Marie Therese & Marie Josephe - Belanger. Both names indicate the same marriage date. More references suggested Marie Therese as the right name and is used in this genealogy report.
Joseph Jean Marie Parent is the ancestorial cousin of Raymond Parent, of Quebec, who, in 1985, was very active in the l'Association Quebec-Perche, and one of the contributors to this (Parent Family segment) genealogy.
Notes for Marie Therese (*) Belanger:
Among the sources for Joseph Jean Marie Parent (son of Pierre Rene Parent & Jeanne Badeau), two spouses names were noted: Marie Therese & Marie Josephe - Belanger. Both names indicate the same marriage date. More references suggested Marie Therese as the right name and is used in this genealogy report.
Children of Joseph Parent and Marie Belanger are:
+ 169 i. Marie Therese4 Parent, born December 17, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. September 15, 1737 in Charlesbourg, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 170 ii. Marie Josephe Parent, born January 19, 1698/99 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. January 30, 1735/36 in Beauport, Quebec, PQ, Can.
171 iii. Marie Parent, born 1700; died Abt. February 14, 1725/26. She married Joseph Lefebvre January 24, 1719/20 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1676 - 1706.
172 iv. Marie Francoise Parent, born December 03, 1701 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Charles Turgeon June 14, 1727 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1683 - 1713.
+ 173 v. Joseph Parent, born January 23, 1703/04 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada.
174 vi. Louis Charles Parent, born March 13, 1705/06 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died February 05, 1725/26 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
175 vii. Jean Baptiste Parent, born May 24, 1709 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died December 24, 1730 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 176 viii. Joseph Noel Parent, born September 28, 1712 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 177 ix. Jacques Parent, born September 06, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died August 17, 1772.
178 x. Marie Louise Parent, born April 07, 1717 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Antoine Bonnet January 20, 1737/38 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1708 - 1738.
179 xi. Marie Genevieve Parent, born March 02, 1719/20 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Joseph Lavallee August 20, 1741 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born February 21, 1717/18.
16. Charles M.3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born November 13, 1676 in Beauport, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. June 16, 1747 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married Marie-Anne Duprac January 07, 1698/99 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada, daughter of Jean Duprac and Marguerite Vachon. She was born July 26, 1679 in Beauport, Province de Quebec, Canada, and died December 24, 1744 in Québec City, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
More About Charles M. Parent:
Baptism: November 13, 1676, Quebec, Canada
Burial: June 16, 1747, Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
More About Marie-Anne Duprac:
Burial: December 24, 1744, Quebec, Province of Quebec, Canada
Children of Charles Parent and Marie-Anne Duprac are:
180 i. Jean Marie4 Parent, born Abt. November 20, 1699 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died November 14, 1706 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 181 ii. Antoine Parent, born January 29, 1700/01 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
182 iii. Noel Parent, born September 15, 1702 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. February 03, 1731/32 in Chateau Richer, Province of Quebec, Canada.
183 iv. Charles Parent, born June 12, 1704 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 01, 1720/21 in Hotel Deiu, Province of Quebec, Canada.
+ 184 v. Pierre Alexis Parent, born December 31, 1705 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
185 vi. Marie Jeanne Parent, born March 13, 1706/07 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died March 29, 1715 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
186 vii. Marie Josephe Parent, born November 19, 1709 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. She married Charles Lavallee January 07, 1730/31 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born October 20, 1708.
187 viii. Marguerite Genevieve Parent, born May 25, 1711 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. September 21, 1731. She married Pierre Bedard January 07, 1730/31 in Beauport, Bellechasse, Provience of Quebec, Canada; born Bet. 1687 - 1717.
+ 188 ix. Jacques Parent, born May 01, 1713 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
189 x. Louis Parent, born October 16, 1714 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
+ 190 xi. Rene Francois Parent, born January 05, 1715/16 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. May 02, 1756 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
191 xii. Genevieve Parent, born December 25, 1719 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada.
18. Marie Charlotte3 Parent (Pierre2, Andre1) was born 1678 in Beauport,Province of Quebec, Canada, and died Abt. October 23, 1763 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. She married Michel Chevalier January 10, 1694/95 in Beauport, Province of Quebec, Canada. He was born Abt. November 25, 1670, and died March 1747/48 in Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada.
More About Marie Charlotte Parent:
Burial: October 23, 1763, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Religion: Roman Catholic
More About Michel Chevalier:
Burial: April 04, 1748, Beauport, province of Quebec, Canada
Children of Marie Parent and Michel Chevalier are:
192 i. Louis4 Chevalier, born October 16, 1696 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada. He married Marie Charles Lefebvre July 24, 1719; born Bet. 1675 - 1705.
More About Louis Chevalier:
Baptism: October 17, 1696, Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada
193 ii. Marie Louise Chevalier, born Abt. July 27, 1698 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada. She married Nicholas Huot February 03, 1715/16 in Beauport, Quebec, Canada; born November 01, 1691 in L'Ange Gardien, Quebec, Canada.
194 iii. Michel Ignace Chevalier, born June 13, 1700 in Beauport, Provience of Quebec, Canada; died Abt. February 16, 1702/03.